
Comprehensive Commercial Building Inspection Services

Building Inspection Services

3D Building Mapping

Our 3D Building Mapping service utilizes advanced technology to create detailed, interactive models of your commercial property. This allows for precise planning, analysis, and management of building spaces. Whether you’re renovating, expanding, or simply need an accurate representation of your building, our 3D maps provide the clarity you need.

Building Inspection

Our thorough Building Inspection services cover all aspects of your property. We inspect structural components, electrical systems, plumbing, HVAC, and more to identify any potential issues. Our detailed reports help you make informed decisions about maintenance, repairs, and upgrades, ensuring your building remains safe and functional.

Asbestos Consulting and Testing

Asbestos can pose serious health risks if not properly managed. Our Asbestos Consulting and Testing services are designed to identify and mitigate these risks. We conduct thorough inspections and provide expert advice on asbestos management and abatement, ensuring compliance with all regulations and safeguarding the health of building occupants.

Mold Inspection

Mold can lead to significant health problems and structural damage. Our Mold Inspection services detect and assess mold growth in your building. We identify the source of moisture, provide remediation recommendations, and help prevent future mold issues, ensuring a healthy indoor environment for your tenants and employees.

Radon Testing

Radon is a colorless, odorless gas that can cause lung cancer. Our Radon Testing services measure radon levels in your building and recommend actions to reduce high levels. Protect the health of your building’s occupants with our reliable and accurate radon testing solutions.

Air Quality and Clearance Testing

Indoor air quality is crucial for the health and comfort of your building’s occupants. Our Air Quality and Clearance Testing services assess the presence of pollutants, allergens, and other harmful substances in the air. We provide actionable recommendations to improve air quality, ensuring a safe and healthy indoor environment.

Infrared and Thermography

Our Infrared and Thermography services utilize cutting-edge technology to detect hidden issues in your building. This non-invasive method helps identify problems such as electrical faults, water leaks, and insulation deficiencies. By catching these issues early, you can prevent costly repairs and improve energy efficiency.

Environmental Testing

We offer a comprehensive range of Environmental Testing services to identify and manage environmental hazards in your building. From soil and water testing to assessing chemical contaminants, we help you ensure compliance with environmental regulations and protect the health of your building’s occupants.

Building Inspection Infrared and Thermography Services

Legionella Water Testing ASSE 12080 certified services

Legionella Water Testing

What is Legionnaires?

Legionnaires’ disease is caused by bacteria that can be found in fresh water. Symptoms include severe pneumonia and in some cases the infection can be deadly. The infection is not spread from person to person. Instead, you get it by inhaling bacteria that’s been aerosolized.

At this time, Fremont Safety is proud to be the only Wyoming business to offer ASSE 12080 certified Legionella Water Testing services!


Clearing the Air: Why Environmental Testing is Essential for Commercial Building Health

Clearing the Air: Why Environmental Testing is Essential for Commercial Building Health

In today’s fast-paced world, where people spend a significant portion of their time indoors, ensuring a healthy indoor environment is paramount. Commercial buildings, in particular, serve as hubs of activity, accommodating employees, customers, and visitors alike. However, what many overlook is the invisible threat lurking within the confines of these structures: indoor air pollution. From allergens to toxic chemicals, the air we breathe indoors can have a profound impact on our health and well-being. This underscores the critical need for businesses to prioritize the maintenance of clean and safe indoor air quality within their premises.

Among the myriad pollutants and contaminants that can compromise indoor air quality, mold, asbestos, lead, and volatile organic compounds (VOCs) stand out as significant culprits. Mold growth, often triggered by moisture infiltration, can lead to respiratory issues and allergic reactions among building occupants. Similarly, asbestos, commonly found in older buildings, poses severe health risks when disturbed, releasing microscopic fibers that can cause lung disease and cancer. Lead, present in paint and plumbing fixtures, is particularly hazardous, especially to young children and pregnant women. Additionally, volatile organic compounds (VOCs), emitted by various building materials and household products, contribute to indoor air pollution, leading to headaches, dizziness, and respiratory irritation.

The health implications of indoor air pollution are far-reaching and can manifest in various forms, ranging from minor irritations to severe respiratory conditions and long-term health effects. Exposure to mold spores can exacerbate allergies and asthma symptoms, while prolonged contact with asbestos fibers can cause mesothelioma, lung cancer, and asbestosis. Lead exposure is particularly concerning, as it can lead to developmental delays, cognitive impairment, and organ damage, with children being especially vulnerable. Similarly, VOC exposure has been linked to headaches, nausea, and even neurological disorders. Moreover, prolonged exposure to indoor air pollutants can increase the risk of cardiovascular diseases, respiratory infections, and other serious health conditions.

Environmental testing serves as a proactive approach to safeguarding the health and well-being of building occupants by identifying and mitigating indoor air quality issues before they escalate into major health hazards. By conducting comprehensive assessments and sampling indoor air and surfaces for pollutants, environmental testing professionals can pinpoint potential sources of contamination and assess the extent of exposure risks. This enables businesses to implement targeted remediation strategies, such as mold removal, asbestos abatement, lead paint encapsulation, and VOC mitigation, to restore indoor air quality to safe levels. Additionally, ongoing monitoring and periodic testing ensure that indoor environments remain healthy and compliant with regulatory standards, providing peace of mind to occupants and stakeholders alike.

Environmental testing has the power to uncover hidden hazards lurking within commercial buildings, ranging from hidden mold growth behind walls to asbestos insulation hidden within ceiling tiles. By conducting thorough assessments and utilizing advanced testing techniques, such as air sampling, surface swabs, and moisture meters, environmental testing professionals can identify and quantify indoor air quality issues with precision. Armed with this knowledge, businesses can take proactive steps to address these hazards and create safer, healthier workspaces for their employees and customers. Whether it’s remediation efforts to remove mold and asbestos or implementing ventilation improvements to reduce VOC concentrations, environmental testing plays a crucial role in enhancing indoor air quality and promoting occupant well-being.

In conclusion, the health and well-being of building occupants should be a top priority for businesses across all industries. By prioritizing environmental testing as part of their building maintenance and safety protocols, businesses can take proactive steps to ensure a clean, safe, and healthy indoor environment for employees and customers. Whether it’s identifying and mitigating mold, asbestos, lead, or VOCs, environmental testing provides invaluable insights into indoor air quality issues and empowers businesses to make informed decisions to protect occupant health. Therefore, I urge businesses to partner with reputable environmental testing professionals and invest in regular testing and monitoring to safeguard the health and well-being of all who enter their premises. Together, we can create healthier, happier, and more productive indoor environments for everyone.


The Importance of Regular Building Inspections: Safety and Savings

The Importance of Regular Building Inspections
Safety and Savings

As a responsible property owner, you want to ensure the safety and longevity of your building—whether it’s a commercial business or your own home. One powerful tool at your disposal is regular building inspections.

Ensuring Safety

1. Identifying Hidden Issues

Regular inspections allow professionals to uncover hidden problems that might otherwise go unnoticed. From structural weaknesses to electrical hazards, these issues can compromise the safety of occupants. By catching them early, you prevent accidents, injuries, and potential legal liabilities.

2. Compliance with Regulations

Building codes and regulations evolve over time. What was acceptable a decade ago may no longer meet current safety standards. Inspections ensure that your property complies with the latest codes, reducing the risk of fines or shutdowns due to non-compliance.

3. Early Detection of Maintenance Needs

Think of inspections as preventive health check-ups for your building. Just as regular doctor visits catch health issues before they escalate, inspections catch maintenance needs before they become major repairs. Addressing minor issues promptly prevents them from snowballing into costly emergencies.

Saving Money Through Proactive Maintenance

1. Avoiding Costly Repairs

Imagine a leaking roof left unattended. Over time, that small drip can lead to water damage, mold growth, and compromised structural integrity. Regular inspections allow you to fix minor leaks, cracks, and wear-and-tear before they escalate. The cost of preventive maintenance pales in comparison to major repairs.

2. Extending Lifespan

A well-maintained building lasts longer. Regular inspections help identify areas that need attention—whether it’s repainting, sealing, or replacing worn-out components. By extending the lifespan of your property, you save money on premature replacements.

3. Enhancing Energy Efficiency

Inspections also focus on energy-related aspects. Detecting insulation gaps, inefficient HVAC systems, or drafty windows allows you to make targeted improvements. Energy-efficient buildings not only save you money on utility bills but also contribute to environmental sustainability.


In summary, regular building inspections are a win-win: they enhance safety and save you money. Whether you’re a business owner or a homeowner, investing in inspections is an investment in peace of mind and long-term financial stability. So, don’t wait—schedule that inspection today and safeguard your property for years to come!


Exploring Riverton, Wyoming: The Rendezvous City

Exploring Riverton, Wyoming: The Rendezvous City

Nestled in the heart of Wyoming lies a hidden gem, Riverton, affectionately known as “The Rendezvous City.” With its rich history, breathtaking landscapes, and vibrant community spirit, Riverton offers an experience like no other. Let’s embark on a journey to discover what makes Riverton a must-visit destination.

A Historical Tapestry

Riverton’s story is woven with threads of Native American culture, pioneering spirit, and the allure of the Old West. Originally inhabited by the Shoshone and Arapaho tribes, the area later became a vital stop on the Oregon Trail and the Pony Express route. The city’s name itself reflects its history as a gathering place for trappers and traders during the annual Rocky Mountain Rendezvous in the early 19th century.

Visitors can delve into Riverton’s past at the Riverton Museum, where exhibits showcase artifacts and tales from the region’s Native American heritage, fur trading era, and railroad expansion. The Wind River Heritage Center offers further insights into the area’s cultural tapestry, celebrating both its indigenous roots and frontier history.

Natural Splendor

Surrounded by the majestic Wind River Range and the vast expanse of the high plains, Riverton is a gateway to outdoor adventure. Nature enthusiasts flock to nearby destinations such as Sinks Canyon State Park, where the Popo Agie River disappears into a limestone cavern, creating a geological marvel known as “The Sinks.” Hiking, fishing, and wildlife watching opportunities abound in the park’s pristine wilderness.

For a taste of the untamed West, visitors can embark on a scenic drive along the Wind River Indian Reservation, where sweeping vistas and sacred sites provide a glimpse into Native American life and heritage. Meanwhile, the nearby Boysen State Park offers boating, camping, and picnicking amidst the rugged beauty of Boysen Reservoir and its surrounding cliffs.

Community and Culture

Riverton’s warm hospitality and tight-knit community make every visitor feel like a part of the family. The city hosts a variety of events and festivals throughout the year, including the Riverton Rendezvous, an homage to its fur-trading past featuring parades, rodeos, and traditional mountain man competitions.

Art enthusiasts will appreciate Riverton’s burgeoning arts scene, with galleries showcasing works by local artists and craftsmen. The Robert A. Peck Arts Center at Central Wyoming College is a hub for creativity, offering exhibitions, workshops, and performances that celebrate the region’s cultural heritage.


Riverton, Wyoming, invites travelers to step back in time and immerse themselves in the spirit of the Old West while embracing the beauty of its natural surroundings. Whether exploring its rich history, embarking on outdoor adventures, or simply enjoying the warmth of its community, Riverton offers an unforgettable experience that captures the essence of the American West. So pack your bags and set out for The Rendezvous City – an adventure awaits!


Cluck Yeah! Wyoming Food Freedom Act

Cluck Yeah! Wyoming Food Freedom Act

In a world where regulations often ruffle our feathers, Wyoming decided to take a different route. Enter the Wyoming Food Freedom Act, a piece of legislation that liberates local producers, allowing them to spread their wings and, of course, beak into the market.

With the Food Freedom Act in play, Wyomingites can now dive headfirst into the world of poultry entrepreneurship. Whether you’re dreaming of starting your own egg-centric business or opening a feathered-fantastic fried chicken joint, the possibilities are as endless as a chicken’s desire to cross the road.

The act allows local farmers and producers to sell their eggs directly to consumers without the bureaucratic scramble. No more eggshell-walking around regulations – now, it’s a sunny-side-up kind of day in Wyoming!

The Wyoming Food Freedom Act is a beacon of freedom for poultry producers and a cause for celebration for food enthusiasts across the state.

So, whether you’re a chicken aficionado, an egg enthusiast, or just someone who enjoys a good laugh, Wyoming’s culinary landscape is ready for you. Cluck yeah to the Food Freedom Act – because in the Cowboy State, culinary freedom is no longer a coop-out!


Before Buying a Property You NEED a Building Inspection

Before Buying a Property
You NEED a Building Inspection

Buying a property is one of the biggest investments you can make in your life. Whether it’s a home, an office, or a commercial space, you want to make sure you’re getting the best value for your money. That’s why you need a building inspection before you sign the deal.

A building inspection is a detailed examination of the physical condition and structural integrity of a property. It can reveal any hidden defects, damages, or hazards that could affect the safety, functionality, or value of the property. A building inspection can also help you negotiate a better price, avoid costly repairs, or plan for future maintenance.

But not all building inspections are created equal. You need a professional, qualified, and experienced inspector who can provide you with a comprehensive, accurate, and unbiased report. You need [Your Business Name].

At [Your Business Name], we have been providing high-quality building inspection services for over [number] years. We have the skills, knowledge, and tools to inspect any type of property, from residential to commercial, from new to old. We follow the industry standards and best practices to ensure you get the most reliable and informative report.

Our building inspection report includes:

  • A summary of the main findings and recommendations
  • A detailed description of the condition and defects of each component and system of the property, such as the roof, walls, floors, plumbing, electrical, heating, ventilation, etc.
  • A rating of the severity and urgency of each defect, from minor to major, from cosmetic to structural
  • A list of the estimated costs and timeframes for repairing or replacing each defect
  • A collection of clear and high-resolution photos and videos to support the findings and recommendations

Our building inspection report is delivered to you within [number] hours of the inspection, in a digital or printed format, depending on your preference. You can also contact us anytime if you have any questions or concerns about the report or the property.

Don’t risk buying a property without a building inspection. Contact us today to schedule your inspection and get the peace of mind you deserve.


Commercial Property Inspection Preliminary Walkthrough

Inspection Preliminary Walkthrough

  • 🏢 Preliminary walkthrough for commercial property inspection is a valuable tool.
  • 🕒 Typically takes a few minutes to assess the building both inside and outside.
  • 👋 Introduce yourself to the client and set the stage for the inspection.
  • 🏠 Inside, quickly assess ceilings, windows, structure, and key areas like HVAC, attic, and basement.
  • 💧 Look for signs of water damage and structural issues during the walkthrough.
  • 🚶‍♂️ Exterior walkthrough helps identify major issues, drainage, and safety hazards.
  • 🏗️ Make a mental plan for the inspection process based on your preliminary findings.
  • 🔍 Observe gas meters, electrical systems, and exterior features during the walkthrough.
  • 🌳 Pay attention to landscaping, labeling, and potential obstacles on the property.
  • 🕐 A quick exterior walkthrough should take about 4-5 minutes for a typical building.
  • 🛠️ The preliminary walkthrough is not a substitute for a formal inspection but aids in planning the inspection process effectively.

Understanding and Preventing Ice Dams: A Guide for Commercial Building Owners

Understanding and Preventing Ice Dams

As winter sets in, the charm of snow-covered roofs can quickly give way to a significant concern for commercial building owners: ice dams. These frozen formations may seem harmless at first glance, but they can lead to costly damages, energy inefficiencies, and potential safety hazards. In this blog post, we’ll delve into what ice dams are, the risks they pose to commercial buildings, and essential preventive measures to safeguard your property.

What are Ice Dams?

Ice dams are ridge-like formations of ice that accumulate at the edges of roofs, typically along the eaves. They form when snow on the upper part of the roof melts due to heat escaping from the building’s interior or inadequate insulation. The melted snow then runs down the roof until it reaches the colder eaves, where it refreezes, creating a barrier of ice. As this process continues, the ice dam can grow, blocking proper drainage and causing water to back up beneath shingles and leak into the building.

Risks and Consequences

Ice dams can wreak havoc on commercial buildings in several ways:

  1. Water Damage: The trapped water behind the ice dam can seep into the roofing structure, insulation, and eventually leak into the building. This can lead to stains, weakened ceilings, and even mold growth.
  2. Roof Damage: As the ice dams expand and contract due to temperature fluctuations, they can lift and damage shingles, leading to premature roof deterioration.
  3. Gutter and Downspout Damage: The weight of the ice dams can damage gutters and downspouts, causing them to detach from the building and further impeding proper drainage.
  4. Energy Inefficiency: Ice dams indicate heat loss from the building’s interior, which can result in increased heating costs during winter.
  5. Safety Hazards: Falling ice and icicles from ice dams can pose a threat to pedestrians and vehicles below.

Preventive Measures

  1. Insulation and Ventilation: Proper insulation and ventilation are key to preventing ice dams. Ensure your building’s attic is well-insulated and adequately ventilated to maintain a consistent roof temperature.
  2. Sealing Air Leaks: Identify and seal any gaps, cracks, or air leaks in the roof, walls, and ceilings. This prevents warm air from escaping and heating the roof.
  3. Roof Raking: Use a roof rake to remove snow from the lower sections of the roof, especially around the eaves. This reduces the chances of ice dam formation.
  4. Gutter Maintenance: Keep gutters and downspouts clean and free from debris, allowing melted snow to drain properly.
  5. Heat Cable Installation: In particularly vulnerable areas, consider installing heat cables along the eaves to melt ice and create channels for water to escape.
  6. Professional Inspection: Regularly schedule inspections with a commercial building inspection professional who can assess your roof’s condition and identify potential issues before they escalate.


As a responsible commercial building owner, being proactive about ice dam prevention can save you from extensive repair costs, energy inefficiencies, and safety concerns. By understanding the formation of ice dams, their risks, and implementing preventive measures, you can ensure that your property remains well-protected and prepared for the winter months ahead. If you require assistance in assessing your building’s vulnerability to ice dams, our experienced commercial building inspection team is here to help.


Commercial Building Inspection Tips: Ensuring a Sound Investment

Ensuring a Sound Investment

Purchasing or leasing a commercial building is a significant investment for any business. To protect your interests and ensure the building meets your needs, a thorough commercial building inspection is essential. In this blog post, we’ll provide you with valuable tips to consider during a commercial building inspection. By following these guidelines, you can make informed decisions and safeguard your investment.

  1. Engage an Experienced Commercial Building Inspector: Selecting the right commercial building inspector is crucial. Look for inspectors with extensive experience in commercial properties. They should possess the necessary knowledge to evaluate complex building systems, code compliance, and safety standards specific to commercial structures. Check their credentials, certifications, and client testimonials to ensure they have a solid reputation in the industry.
  2. Assess Structural Integrity: The structural integrity of a commercial building is of paramount importance. Inspect the foundation, walls, columns, and beams for any signs of cracks, settling, or compromised structural elements. Identify any water infiltration or drainage issues that could weaken the structure over time.
  3. Evaluate Electrical and HVAC Systems: Commercial buildings often have complex electrical and HVAC systems. Ensure these systems are thoroughly inspected for compliance, functionality, and safety. Verify the age and condition of electrical panels, wiring, outlets, and switches. Assess the capacity and efficiency of heating, ventilation, and air conditioning systems to determine if they can meet your business’s requirements.
  4. Examine Plumbing and Water Systems: Adequate plumbing and water systems are crucial for commercial buildings. Inspect plumbing fixtures, pipes, and drains for leaks, corrosion, and proper functionality. Check the water pressure and quality. Evaluate the availability of hot water and the condition of water heaters and storage tanks. Addressing plumbing issues promptly will prevent disruptions to your business operations.
  5. Inspect Roofing and Exterior: The condition of the roof and exterior elements greatly impacts a commercial building’s longevity and energy efficiency. Inspect the roofing material, gutters, downspouts, and flashing for signs of damage, leaks, or wear. Assess the building’s façade, windows, doors, and insulation for proper sealing and energy efficiency.
  6. Consider Code Compliance and Safety: Verify that the commercial building complies with local building codes and safety regulations. Inspect fire safety systems, including sprinklers, alarms, emergency exits, and fire extinguishers. Assess accessibility features to ensure compliance with disability guidelines. Non-compliance with codes and safety standards can lead to costly renovations or legal issues in the future.
  7. Analyze Environmental Factors: Identify potential environmental hazards that may affect the commercial building. Conduct assessments for the presence of mold, asbestos, radon, or lead-based paint. These hazards can impact the health and safety of occupants and may require specialized remediation efforts.
  8. Review Maintenance and Repair History: Request maintenance and repair records from the current owner or property manager. Understanding the building’s maintenance history can reveal recurring issues and the level of care the property has received. Unaddressed maintenance concerns may signal potential problems or neglect.
  9. Comprehensive Documentation: Ensure that your commercial building inspection includes a detailed report, complete with photographs and descriptions of identified issues, recommendations, and estimated costs for repairs or improvements. This documentation will serve as a reference and negotiation tool during the buying or leasing process.

A commercial building inspection is a crucial step in safeguarding your investment and ensuring your business’s success. By following these commercial building inspection tips, you can make informed decisions, identify potential risks or shortcomings, and negotiate favorable terms. Engaging an experienced commercial building inspector and paying close attention to structural integrity, systems functionality, code compliance, and environmental factors will provide you with the knowledge needed to make sound decisions and protect your investment.

Remember, a comprehensive commercial building inspection is an investment in the future of your business. Prioritize due diligence and consult with professionals to make well-informed choices when it comes to commercial property acquisition or leasing.

Here’s to a successful and secure commercial building investment for your business!