Building Inspection Infrared and Thermography Services

Legionella Water Testing ASSE 12080 certified services

Legionella Water Testing

What is Legionnaires?

Legionnaires’ disease is caused by bacteria that can be found in fresh water. Symptoms include severe pneumonia and in some cases the infection can be deadly. The infection is not spread from person to person. Instead, you get it by inhaling bacteria that’s been aerosolized.

At this time, Fremont Safety is proud to be the only Wyoming business to offer ASSE 12080 certified Legionella Water Testing services!

Air Quality Environmental Testing Radon Services

Environmental Testing for Commercial and Industrial

Enviornment photo by Daniel Vogel on Unsplash

Environmental Testing

Environmental testing includes air quality testing, surface dust analysis and clearance, radon and water safety appraisal, and clandestine drug residue sampling. All samples are sent to certified laboratories for analysis, and results are provided in a customized report.  Fremont Safety offers comprehensive surveys of environmental conditions within your facility, with recommended follow-up testing and analysis.  We tailor our testing services to your specific needs, and all recommendations are based upon industry standards and the expertise of our certified inspection team.

Our licensed and certified inspection team provides reports that comply with Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ), Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), and Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) requirements. We use only certified laboratories for analysis and testing to make sure that your results are accurate and reliable. All of our services include detailed reports with comprehensive inspection findings and user-friendly formatting.